Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Really ladies? Really LOL?

I feel so sorry for her husband to be. My mom was watching this malarkey and i started watching it.....the hopelessness of it had me locked in. Now with me thinking outside the box i had to wonder.... does the groom to be know that he's gonna be stuck with this Harpie "til' death do us part" (which will probably be half a year)? Ladies seriously that loud in public shit is not cute and depending on the dude you might not like the results of your embarrassing actions. Granted wedding plannings are quite a stressful and everyone handles stress a certain way but got-damn! There's no golden amount of pussy and/or head that can make me withstand that kind of chalkboard screeching all day. Probably the only hope for their marriage is that her larynx fails or either she loses everyone in her circle and realizes that her behavior is not cute at all. Men i blame you.....I blame you for tolerating this behavior and not checking that shit immediately. On the show her husband was looking like he was going to the chair instead of his own wedding....what the fuck? But hey i guess it's long term vs. short term, me personally I can't fuck with being henpecked i don't care if she can suck the concrete out of Wall Street I have zero tolerance for disrespect and loudness (unless it's in good fun of course)....either way after looking at this i gotta say to myself "Maybe I'm truly not missing anything".


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